IPU CGPA Calculator

* Only works for 5th sem CSE, IT and ECE
S.NoSubject NamePaper CodeSubject CodeCreditsMarks
1.Economics for Engineers031301HS-301
2.Compiler Design031303CIC-303
3.Operating Systems031305CIC-305
4.Computer Networks031307CIC-307
5.Software Engineering031309CIC-309
6.Design and Analysis of Algorithm031311CIC-311
7.Compiler Design Lab031351CIC-351
8.Operating Systems Lab031353CIC-353
9.Computer Networks Lab031355CIC-355
10.Software Engineering Lab031357CIC-357
11.Design and Analysis of Algorithm Lab031359CIC-359
12.Summer Training Report - 1031361ES-361

How to calculate CGPA for IPUniversity?

The formula for calculation of CGPA is given below:
CGPA FormulaWhere
Cni - number of credits of the ith course of the nth semester.
Gni - grade points of the ith course of the nth semester

In easier words:

  1. We calculate the product of 'credits and grade point' for each subject and add them
  2. We then divide the result obtained above by the total number of credits
  3. Lastly, the final result is rounded off to 2 decimal places

Grading System

The marks that a student secures from the maximum 100 are to be converted into a grade as a letter.
The grade points are the numerical equivalent of the letter grade assigned to a student based on the total marks obtained by the student.
These grade points and letter grades are based on the points scale as given below:

MarksGradeGrade Point
Less than 40 or absentF0
  • Grade P, that is the grade point 4 is the course passing grade unless specified otherwise by the Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination for the respective programme.
  • For grades below the passing grade (P) as defined in the Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination, the associated grade points are to be taken equal to zero.
  • Both the acquired marks and grades are to be reflected on the term end marksheets.
  • CGPA Divisions:

    The successful candidates having an overall CGPA higher than or equal to the minimum CGPA that is specified in the Syllabi and Scheme of Teaching and Examination for the award of the degree, are to be awarded the degree and be placed in Divisions as below:

    • CGPA of 6.50 or above are to be placed in the First Division.
    • CGPA of 5.00 - 6.49 are to be placed in the Second Division.
    • CGPA of 4.00 - 4.99 are to be placed in the Third Division.
    • CGPA of 10 are to be placed in the Exemplary Performance. Exemplary Performance shall be awarded, if and only if, every course of the programme offered to the student is passed in the first chance of appearing in the paper that is offered to the student. A student with an academic break shall not be awarded the exemplary performance.
    • The CGPA x 10 shall be deemed equivalent to percentage of marks obtained by the student for the purpose of equivalence to percentage of marks.

    This IPU CGPA Calculator works on the algorithm provided by IPUniversity in the ordinance 11.